Minutes of the Shuswap Spinners and Weavers March 2,2009 16 members present Judith chaired the meeting
1. As of yet we have no workshop coordinator
2. Fund raising was discussed:
1 Gudie sold felt flowers for $57 . There are more for sale at $2-$4per stem.
2. We could also have a stash and a plant sale.
3. Elvi suggested that the mannequins be rented out at $5 per mannequin.
3. Harmonious Homestead and Ewe Spin-Ins: Clare has 6 Saturdays - April 11,18,25 and May 2, 9 and 16 from 10am-4pm available. Bring lunch, folding chair and name badge. Spin-Ins are April 18 and May 9 but you are invited any of the above Saturdays. Shearing will be April 18 and 25. Fleeces are $25 each. Contact Clare.
4. Spin -In April 4 - Kalamalka Spinners and Weavers
5. Magic in the Water - CD resource in the library. A committee to look after letting the Guild know what is in this resource. Judith to look after this after March 20.
6. Jean Halliwell has brought in the knitting machine. Thanks you, Jean.
7. Anne offered to put together a welcome package for new members. This will contain a membership list, library and equipment policies and a brochure.
8. Sheep to Shawl Letters have been sent out. Gudie has brought a fleece. Gudrun will be the judge. Still need is a team. Gudie, Anne and Noelle are the convenor.
9. Christmas Sale - Gudie and Gudrun will co-ordinate
10. Workshops - Sharon is having a workshop March 7&8 looking at different weave structures, finishingetc.
11. Library - some new magazines are in
12. Fibres Unlimited- there has been a good turn out. One loom has a warp for runners or tea towels on it. Everyone welcome.
New Business
1. Discussion of flying shuttle or 20 plus for the big loom. Fibres Unlimited to look into pricing both systems, pros and cons and will present at a meeting.
2, Do we have too many warping boards? Any suggestions?
3. Judith suggested that the blog have a once a month list of important dates and equipment for sale.
4. Fibres West Abbotsford March 20-21
5.Ucanknits - March 16 at Anne's (10-2) Spin -in - March 10 at Mona's (10-2)
6. Gudie moved that non-members be charged $3.00 for ads in the newsletter. Darlene seconded, Carried
7. Meeting adjourned
8. Show and Tell
9. Leno program by Gudrun