Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jean's 'spin in'

Last Tuesday 11 members and their spinning wheels joined Jean at her house.
'The new weaving dvd was so popular!'
Jean, Thank you.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Whats happening!

March Tuesday 16th 'spin in' at Jean's 10-2.
Monday 22nd 'knit in' at Gloria's 10-2.
Thursday 25th 'spin in' at Noelle 7-?.
Saturday 27th Kalamalka spin in 10-4pm.

April Monthly meeting Monday 12th 7.30pm
Saturday 24th 'spin in' at Harmonious Homestead and ewe noon-5pm.

Salmon Arm Fair
November Saturday 27th Christmas Show.

(please e mail any other dates of events that you would like posted thank you. Clare)

Show and Tell

Below a silk dress that belonged to Glenda's Aunt's sister. Beautiful detailed bead work. A fine cross stitch made by Gabrielle. To show just a few of the items.

March meeting

It was a larger turn out at the meeting last Monday. Great to see some members attend that have not been lately.