Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Minutes of the January 2008 Meeting.

Minutes of the Shuswap Spinners and Weavers Jan.7,2008 14 members present

1. Omission in the Dec. 2007 minutes. Mona seconded the motion of the Guild paying for the ad in the textile and needlearts booklet. Amended minutes were adopted as printed by Gudie. Carried.

2. Treasurer reported that we had the best Christmas sale ever. Noelle presented Gudrun with a small thank you present for having the best inventory list. Thanks to Noelle for doing an awesome job with the Christmas sale. Noelle moved that we renew the membership to the ANWG. Judith seconded. carried. Judith suggested that the link to the ANWG be posted in the blog.

3. Gudie talked about the advantages of the small needlearts booklet.

4. Noelle reported that the felting magazine was a one time offer and was sold out.

5. Darlene mentioned that the Threads magazine is poorly utilized. Perhaps we could have some ideas at the next meeting as an alternative to Threads.

6. Knit-In Jan. 21 - Mona's (10-2)Spin-In Jan. 14 - Gloria's (10-2)Jan. 23 - Noelle's (7-9)

7. Mona gave each of us a small pair of snippers. THANK YOU !!!

8. "Everyone loves guilts" June 2008 will have a wearable arts fashion show. Recycled glad rags.

9. Mona reminded everyone of the 2010 Olympic project challenge.

10. Gullan would like to borrow the mannequins for the loppet. Anne moved, Mona seconded. Carried.

11. Library - Darlene reported that there are some OVER OVER OVERDUE books.

12. Workshops - Judith is willing to teach spinning fine threads perhaps in April or May. Sharon to teach kumihimo

13. Sheep to Shawl - A committee was established to look after the following:1. Invitations - Mona 2. Fleece - Judith 3. Judge - Gudrun 4. To attend fair meetings, meal tickets, enteries and passes, inform the fair of equipment needs - Noelle

14. List circulated as to what people would donate to the IPE cedar chest. We would have a show and tell at the june meeting.

15. Please send Clare items for the newsletter/blog.

16. Show and Tell

17. Program - Judith and Gudie

18. Wendy adjourned the meeting.

The New Zealand Navy

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Come and Join the Ukanknits in 2008!

We're starting out the new year meeting at Mona Ball's home on Monday, January 21st. Our knitting session starts at 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome, beginners, experienced or in between. Our group is user friendly and if you need help with a knitting problem, between all of us, maybe we can solve it for you. Education and just plain fun is our goal for 2008! If you need Mona's phone number or instructions on how to get to her place, please refer to your membership list. Hope to see you there!

January meeting program

For the Program part of the meeting Judith gave a very informative talk on caring for your Spinning Wheel.
Then Gudie showed us yarns she had spun (some recycled) and made into scarfs. Thank you Judith and Gudie.

Kumihimo braiding workshop

Sharon brought her Kumihimo braiding to Show and Tell. A lot of members at the meeting where interested in doing a workshop. The cards to make the braids are round or square and cost about $15. for more info' Contact Sharon

January Show and Tell

Everyone always brings such beautiful interesting items they have made to Show and Tell. I must say that being new to spinning and weaving I am completely lost at some of the methods on how some things are made. So correct me in the comments if something I say is not quite right.
Above is a blue felted water carrier made by Darlene, lying on some weaving by Gudrun.
Next is a Card
handmade by Gudrun. The weaving in the middle is copperwire from a transformer pictured in the front of the Card. So before you throw out an old transformers please remove the copperwire for Gudrun.

There were bright coloured weaved and knitted scarfs, mitts and spun yarn.

Things to think about.

1. Threads magazine does not seems to be that popular anymore and the subscription runs out soon. Would you like to subscribe to another magazine? Which magazines would you like the Guild to buy? A felting one perhaps? Please look around and bring your suggestions to the next meeting .

2. The old window project from the Art Gallery talked about at the last meeting needs some thought. Ideas needed as to be finished by March. Contact Gudie.

3. For the I.P.E. Darcy is making a Blanket Chest each member is being ask to contribute a handmade item to the Chest. Think what you are going to make and let us know at the next meeting.

4. Quilts 2008 Is holding a fashion show of recycled materials as wearable art to be held Friday 6 + Saturday 7 June. Would you like to enter? More info' Contact Gudie.

Help Needed for the Fall Fair Sheep to Shawl

The Guild is looking for one or two or more members to help organize the Sheep to Shawl competition at the Salmon Arm Fall Fair. The job includes, sending out invitations, finding a fleece and scouring it, finding a judge, attending Fall Fair meetings, buying meal tickets and telling the Fall Fair what equipment is needed. Please consider this, as it is an important part of our attraction at the Fall Fair which promotes the art of Spinning and Weaving and our Guild.

Overdue Library Books

There are some VERY ( we are talking years) overdue Library Books out there. If you come across a book that you are not sure where it came from or do not recognize it maybe it belongs it to the Guild. Please all check around your house and if you find a book please return ASAP so other members can enjoy it. Thank you.

January Knit and Spin ins

Tuesday 15th January Spin in at Glorias 10-2
Monday 21st January Knit in at Monas 10-2
Tuesday 22nd January Spin in at Noelle 7-?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Clares' show and tell

I am not able to bring my show and tell to the next meeting as they were Christmas presents but thought I would share them here.
I started the above cross stitch a while ago. The daylight was bad, no, age was catching up with me and I could not see so well. Then right at the very end I ran out of one colour. I looked in every store with no luck. In the end through the web I email the company and they sent me more thread. At last it is finished, framed and with its new owner.
This one I finally framed but made it 25 years ago!
I needed a new dishcloth and while looking for a pattern found a knitting pattern website (see links) that has thousands of patterns. Needless to say everyone received a dishcloth. The dishcloths had teapots, coffee mugs, dogs, dog paws and cowboy hats on them. Check out the site and alot of the time up end up on other peoples blogs.
I also made another pocket pal along with a knitted bag to put the little pals in. I forgot to take a picture.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Hi Clare
I tried to post this on the blog site without success:
"I am new to blogging and am an unsuccessful clutz trying to navigate my way around. Does anyone else feel like this? Clare, I need some guidance...."

No, no one can post a post on this site except for Clare. You can make a comment by clicking on the comment below a post. Please send anything you want posted to Clare and she will post it. Thanks. Clare