Minutes of the Shuswap Spinners and Weavers Jan.7,2008 14 members present
1. Omission in the Dec. 2007 minutes. Mona seconded the motion of the Guild paying for the ad in the textile and needlearts booklet. Amended minutes were adopted as printed by Gudie. Carried.
2. Treasurer reported that we had the best Christmas sale ever. Noelle presented Gudrun with a small thank you present for having the best inventory list. Thanks to Noelle for doing an awesome job with the Christmas sale. Noelle moved that we renew the membership to the ANWG. Judith seconded. carried. Judith suggested that the link to the ANWG be posted in the blog.
3. Gudie talked about the advantages of the small needlearts booklet.
4. Noelle reported that the felting magazine was a one time offer and was sold out.
5. Darlene mentioned that the Threads magazine is poorly utilized. Perhaps we could have some ideas at the next meeting as an alternative to Threads.
6. Knit-In Jan. 21 - Mona's (10-2)Spin-In Jan. 14 - Gloria's (10-2)Jan. 23 - Noelle's (7-9)
7. Mona gave each of us a small pair of snippers. THANK YOU !!!
8. "Everyone loves guilts" June 2008 will have a wearable arts fashion show. Recycled glad rags.
9. Mona reminded everyone of the 2010 Olympic project challenge.
10. Gullan would like to borrow the mannequins for the loppet. Anne moved, Mona seconded. Carried.
11. Library - Darlene reported that there are some OVER OVER OVERDUE books.
12. Workshops - Judith is willing to teach spinning fine threads perhaps in April or May. Sharon to teach kumihimo
13. Sheep to Shawl - A committee was established to look after the following:1. Invitations - Mona 2. Fleece - Judith 3. Judge - Gudrun 4. To attend fair meetings, meal tickets, enteries and passes, inform the fair of equipment needs - Noelle
14. List circulated as to what people would donate to the IPE cedar chest. We would have a show and tell at the june meeting.
15. Please send Clare items for the newsletter/blog.
16. Show and Tell
17. Program - Judith and Gudie
18. Wendy adjourned the meeting.