Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Minutes of the June potluck meeting

June 8, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Judith Glibbery with 27 in attendance:
A welcome was extended to new member Lis Borthwick.
Minutes of May Meeting – Sheep to Shawl contest, Melissa should be amended to Catherine. Moved by Anne Nikmo that the Minutes be adopted as amended. Seconded by Noelle Cox. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Noelle Cox. Annual fees are due this month. Noelle moved that the Treasurer’s report be adopted. Seconded by Gudrun. Carried.

Library Report Darlene Thornbury
The new books in are not yet catalogued and carded. Please return overdue books, so the library can be inventoried.

Newsletter and Blog Clare
Nothing to report

Historian Wendy
Nothing to report

Old Business:
Fibres Unlimited: Gloria??
Gudrun’s runner is warped up. There is room for one more weaver to sign up. The fish have been warped, and the 4 harness loom will be used for the sheep to shawl contest.

Gudrun’s Leno workshop on Thursday. Gudrun would prefer an earlier start, so participants should arrive prepared at 9:30 AM at Picadilly Mall. Meet at Jane’s place if you are uncertain where people are. Participants should bring a 3 ring binder for notes.

Judith read an email from Denice at Burton requesting that workshops should be scheduled on the weekends. Usually this is done.

Christmas Sale: Think snowflakes for your theme. The sale date is November 21.

Sheep to Shawl: One spinning session has been held already, and a second session will be help on the 16th. Judith will be holding a demonstration on how to scour sheep’s wool. This will be held at Judith’s place on Thursday, June 25th @ 7:00 PM. The 25 was chosen because some people will be spinning at the Okeefe Ranch during the day, from 10:00 AM to approximately 3:00 PM.

Knit in Public Day Join the Knit-In on June 13th on the Ross Street Plaza from 10:00 AM onwards. Anne is to put a notice in Friday AM, and also in the market? Gudie to make a sign advertising the event. In the event of bad weather, the event will move to Picadilly Mall.

IPE/Fall Fair/Fair Meeting.
IPE location the same as last year. -The Educational component should be handled by Fibres Unlimited.

- Mona Ball will host the planning meeting on August 13, at 10:00 AM. Bring your lunch, and your spinning.
Gloria – convenor for spinning
Judith to judge for skeins.

Rather than shut down for the summer, meetings and events will take place over the summer. Watch for emails and blogs.

New Business:

There will be spin ins at the Okeefe Ranch on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month.

Donkey Days will begin at Shirley’s on Saturday, June 20. Come and set up a table, for $10 (if successful), or come and spin. Directions will be blogged or emailed.

Clare and Rob gave a small honorarium to the guild in appreciation for their help at Harmonious Homestead.

There will be no meeting in September.

Gudrun offered to conduct programs on flax spinning and Inkle weaving for the October and November meetings.

There was a call from Hugo (Elena’s husband?) who says he has raw wool. Call him at 250-832-9498 if you would like to check it out. The type of wool is unknown.

Spin-in on Tuesday, the 14th of July at Darlene Thornbury’s lakeside home. Bring your lunch at a bathing suit.

Sue brought a brochure from Granville Market Maiwa Spinning store, who have just put out 4 dvd’s on colour/dyes/weaving. See Sue for the brochure if you are interested.

Show and Tell:

The Meeting was adjourned before 9:00 PM