Sunday, October 25, 2009

Looms for sale

Hi Judith, I have been contacted by Cindy Dixon who has a 45"- 4 shaft Le Clerc jack loom for sale - some assembly required - for about $200.00. Also, a Cherriville 60" loom for Free - needs to be assembled and there may be some question about wheather it is square. She lives on the corner of Canyon Rd. and ? Her phone # is 546-6084. These need to be gone by Nov. 1. WE have a new member who could be interested in the Le Clerc loom but needs to see it first. Suzanne has said that she can drop them off in her garage if she can get them to town. Thought that you might know someone at the SA guild who might be interested. Caryll (250-545-3392)