Minutes of the Shuswap Spinners and Weavers Dec.8,2009 18 members present.
Judith thanked Gudrun for hosting our potluck supper. She also extended a thank you to everyone for a beautiful Christmas sale.
Minutes of the November meeting were adopted as printed by Anne, Jean seconded. Carried.
Treasurer reported that we had our best Christmas sale to date. Gudrun had the highest sales. Saturday Nov. 27,2010 has been booked for the next sale.
The Sheep to Shawl as per e-mail vote was taken and it passed.
Spin-In Jan. 21 ( 7-9) at Anne's Knit-In Jan. 18 (10-2) at Judith's
Next meeting Jan. 2010. Melissa would like to host a workshop on marketing our products on the internet. More to follow in Jan. Meeting adjourned