Sunday, February 14, 2010

Minutes of the February Meeting

Minutes of the Shuswap Spinners and Weavers Feb. 1, 2010 17 members attended Judith welcomed everyone
Mona moved that the minutes of the Dec. 2009 meeting be adopted as printed. Noelle seconded.
Our thoughts were with Sara at the passing of her mother. Gabi will send a card.
Noelle presented the treasurer's report . Glenda seconded it.
There was discussion on changing the time of our meetings to perhaps an afternoon time or earlier in the evening. Judith will put it on the blog to be discussed at a later time.
Committee Reports:
a) Library- All fines except for one are paid up. New magazines - Knits, Handwoven, Vav and Spin-Off are in .
b) Equipment - Gullan used the mannequins for the loppett.
c) Historian- Wendy showed the new binder. If you have any articles please give them to Wendy.
d) Fibres Unlimited - weaving the salmon. Anne and Gabriele are putting a supplementary warp on for eight harnesses.
e) Workshop- Computer workshop Feb. 6, 2010 from 1-3pm at Melissa's - "How to sell on the internet". "How to sell on the internet".
f) Christmas Sale - Nov. 27,2010 Gudrun and Gudie will co-ordinate it. The theme is Christmas stockings.
Mona read a touching letter from Gerry Fluke about Kathy.
Sheep to Shawl- Letters have been sent out regarding the new rules and to check the blog. Letters sent to Kalamalka,Ponderosa, Monashee and Langley.No team is yet in place.
Ukanknits- knitting tit-bits for women in Mexico.
New Business:
1. Discussion of what to do if we receive NSF cheques.
2. Kalamalka Fun Day is March 27, 2010 Information is on the blog.
3. Heritage Days- Feb. 15-20,2010 at Piccadilly Mall- Bring your knitting , spinning, etc. We will have our Knit and Spin - Ins there.
4. Gudie talked about pluckyfluff call for submission for a giant skein of yarn in Norway. See
Meeting adjourlned
Next meeting March 1,2010
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