Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I talked to the IPE office yesterday and they are going to put us in the new arena. They are moving fruit, veg, crafts and sewing over there as well. They are going to have a shuttle service to take people over to the arena. They are very receptive to us putting on a sheep to shawl demo. They would like us to let them know as soon as possible how much space we would require, then they can get us on their map. I think we should get back to them this week. I talked to Judith and she thinks we need to have 8 chairs and 8 tables. Also, if anyone would like to spin for the sheep to shawl demo that would be great, it doesn't have to be a spinner from the Salmon Arm team as it is only a demo and should be fun! If anyone has any input please let me know so I can get back to the fair personnel. Also, Judith thought we should request a 40 X 40 space. What do the rest of you think? Gloria