Friday, October 31, 2008

Did you Know?

THE UNITED NATIONS has declared 2009 as the "Year of Natural Fibres"

They are citing natural fibres to include abaca, alpaca, angora, coir, cotton, curaua, fique, flax,
hemp, jute, kenaf, llama, mohair, phormium tenax, ramie, silk, sisal and wool. Do you know what all these fibres are? Use your dictionary and you can impress us at the next meeting!

The United Nations is encouraging all groups to concentrate on natural fibres and help raise awareness world wide about natural fibres. By increasing the awareness and use of natural fibres, people world wide will benefit in their standard of living, farmers, textile workers, artisans, et cetera.

As if we needed any encouragement!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Guild Meeting

Guild meeting is next Monday 3rd November 7.30pm. Gudrun is presenting a Leno program. See you there!

Fibres Unlimited

FIBRES UNLIMITED STUDY GROUP The first meeting of the new study group will be held on Monday, Nov.3 at 1 pm. in the guild room. This is to plan our projects and get input from all interested members. The group will not be limited to weaving, but all fibre arts. Beginner weavers and spinners are encouraged to come and get some help. There is no fee for attending. If you have any questions, please call me. We are planning to go out for supper before the regular guild meeting and everyone is welcome.! Hope to see a good turn out and lots of ideas. Gloria

'Knit in'

Monday, Mona hosted the 'Knit in' at her house. I forgot to take my camera which I seem to do too much lately but it was a picture of 11 of us sitting in a circle all relaxed knitting and chatting away. Mona, thank you for the delicious soup, hospitality and hope your ankle heals soon.

Beginners/Refreshers Workshop.

Gudie sent me the above picture of the duct taped wheel, in which whose of you who attended her workshop remember some wheels kept 'walking' across the floor! The workshop was a great refresher for me. We spun with raw fleece. It was cool the way it just spun on to the wheel. I now know why a fleece has sat on my floor since September I am not going to send all of it to be processed into roving but spin some raw! We spun batting, roving top, coloured and then got into a few novelty yarns COOL.

We met Gudies friend Karen who also attended the Pluckyfluff workshop. We are now waiting for the Armstrong model of a spinning wheel! We had a new member Sandy attend the workshop Welcome!
It was an interesting workshop Thank you Gudie
Gloria, thank you for hosting it at your home.


This is a call to anyone who may have some vases and/or flower pots that they could donate to the Guild.
For those who were not at the last meeting, it was agreed that the Guild would offer our felted flowers from 1997 for sale at our Christmas sale. We will keep an assorted bouquet as a souvenir. Gudie agreed to prepare the flowers in nice arrangements and they will be offered for sale complete with pot or vase.
More containers are needed, so if you have anything to spare that might be suitable for this project, please bring to the Nov meeting, or call Gudie at 835-4787.
Many thanks!

Cache Creek retreat and Muffins

WE, THE LUCKY ONES, once again got to go to the Cache Creek retreat this past weekend. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend! Relaxing with good friends, spinning to our hearts contents, maybe a little knitting just for a change, shopping until we dropped and, of course, eating until we were cross-eyed! Thanks, again, to Sheila Kirk and Donna Faulkes for organizing it. While visiting with Sheila, she told us that she had the best recipe in the world for BLUEBERRY MUFFINS! As Sheila has been known to make very tasty things, everyone wanted it. We made her promise to send it to us and so here it is. Sheila also has her own blog. Check it out! (see links) Thanks again, Sheila!
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional ___________________________________________

1 cup whole oats
1 cup buttermilk mix and let sit an hour or over nite for fresh hot muffins in the AM

1 cup flour
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs beaten
1/4 cup oil1 tsp
Baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
add oats and buttermilk Mix in order, and then add 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
makes 12 muffins
15 to 22 minutes @ 400 degrees...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

'Knit in' Reminder

Monday 27th October 'Knit in' will be at Monas 10 am. Please bring your knitting or spinning, your lunch plus any ideas about equipment rental. Look forward to seeing all your smiles.

ANWG Workshops

From Denice
Could you send the following note to all members regarding a couple of workshops in Coupeville, Washington. I am hoping that there will be people who are interested in attending and who would share transportation costs and possibly b&b or motel accommodation.
The workshops are presented by a Peruvian lady named Nilda Callanaupa Alvarez. The workshops are: Learning Backstrap Weaving Technique for Weaving Jakimas, Lace Knitting For Scalloped Edging, a Lecture on Peruvian Textiles.
Go to (the ANWG site) and click on upcoming events. Scroll down to find the info mentioned above. ( click on the ANWG web link )
The dates are: November 11/12, 2008. I'm hoping there are a couple of people as excited about these workshops as I am! Do let me know if you are interested at or 250 265-4366 Thanks, Denice McMechan

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Spin in date change

The evening Spin in at Noelles has been changed from Wednesday 22nd to this Thursday 23rd @ 7pm. If you need directions phone Noelle.

Christmas Show Display

Elvi phoned me.The display case in the Salmon Arm Library is available. The time: 1st November until our Christmas show.There has been a cancellation. We are able to fill our hand-woven, knitted, felted and so on things .Please let the members know. (per e mail). I will be at the library Saturday, Nov. 1st 10AM. I would like to have some items like: towels, knitted socks, felted things. e. t. c. I will also phone around. Hope that the display case will be filled with our special items Thank you, Gudrun

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Peter Collingwood

It is with sadness that we pass on this news forwarded to us by Susan Harvey . . . The well known weaver Peter Collingwood died on October 9. He died suddenly in his workshop. We have a number of books of his in our library including his definitive book on rug weaving. If any of you took workshops taught by him in the past or taught by his son Jason, and would like to send condolences, his son's email is
His son Jason is also a rug weaver and has been teaching workshops and seminars in North America. He has taught at ANWG as well as Convergence.

A October note to say....

I'm sitting here at my computer writing this note for the blog, wondering why I'm not outside! It incredibly beautiful out there. So many things to do, tuck all those fruits and veggies away for the winter, put the garden to bed, and all the while, being incredibly thankful this Thanksgiving weekend, while we prepare huge amounts of bountiful, delicious food. It's a good thing to be thankful. Thankful for all the wonderful things in our lives, our family members that we love so much, our friends near and dear, close and far away. When the difficult parts of life arrive, we need to remain thankful even more, because that helps us get through the tough bits.

I love Thanksgiving for all the traditional reasons, but I also love it because it sort of starts off the winter where our thoughts can freely turn to indoor things like our spinning and weaving. Most of us spinny/weavy types can't wait to hunker down with fibre of some kind when the snow flies!

The October meeting marked the beginning of a new guild year. There's been a lot of chitchat out there at spin ins, knit ins, and the fairs, and, recently, at our meeting, about what you all want from your guild this coming year. I think many of you have decided that we want a little more fun, more inspiration, more learning, more creativity and more camaraderie at our meetings and in our guild life! We all want to nix the boring stuff! What a great idea! Let's give it a go!

Don't forget to bring your wheel, your knitting, your weaving that needs finishing, or anything else that you might have hanging around that needs your attention. Let's pledge never to spend another two hours at a meeting with idle hands! Be warned! We're going to do a idle hand check at the next meeting!

One thing for certain, I know I'm very thankful for all my guild friends. There's nothing like them. Having said that, I am going outside!

Bye for now,


Just a reminder regarding workshops. Gudie's workshop is scheduled for the Sunday, the 26th of October. Any of our beginning spinners should find this workshop helpful. Call Gudie for more information.


Gudie is hosting a Beginners/Refresher Spinning Workshop on Sunday October 26 from 10:00 - 3:00 at the Guild Office with a cost of $25.00. Fleece is provided and Spinning Wheels if needed. Space is limited and this class is filling up quickly so please contact Gudie or Shirley if you are interested. Gudie will have come back from a very special workshop in Vancouver and she will be sharing what she learned there, so this should be a very fun day. Refreshments provided but please bring a bag lunch. See you there. (Shirley)


Sharon's FASHION FABRICS and FABRICS FASHIONED will be offered again for your consideration. Perhaps new dates will offer our members another opportunity to take this workshop if they wish. Sharon is free December 6th & 7th, 2008, and if that is not convenient for everyone, perhaps in the early spring of 2009. We will be discussing this at the November meeting. If you're interested, check your calendars and come prepared to sign up. Minimum of eight students required, but can accommodate more. Workshop fees will be discussed at the meeting, but safe to say it will be reasonable.

This two day, round-robin style workshop will guide you through weaving a number of unique fabrics - from deceptively easy to very impressive, in both 4 and 8 harness weaves, which can serve as fabrics for home decor, garments, or household linens. You will gain a thorough understanding of how basic 4-harness weave structures can be compounded to create unique 8-harness weaves, how to add 4-sided borders etc.
We will also cover *finishing* your fabrics, pitfalls to avoid, how to make up simple woven shapes into comfortable, wearable garments. Tips and techniques for those who wish to "cut and sew" will also be discussed along with embellishment techniques.
The $7.00 workshop lab fee includes the Workshop Reference Binder. You can add your samples to the appropriate pages, providing you with a valuable resource for years to come. Students provide their own warp yarns.

Sharon expanded a life-long enthusiasm for working with textiles when she learned to spin and weave in 1979. Her passion for textile crafts lead to participation in numerous craft markets, workshops, awards in fairs and art shows, and commissioned works for collections around the world. She has taught numerous workshops in sewing, spinning, weaving, dyeing, felting, bobbin lace and quilting for various guilds, interest groups and community colleges throughout the province. Her enthusiasm and hard-gained knowledge of creating unique textiles, finally lead her into opening her own business, Homespun Haven, which she operates from her home in Armstrong, BC. This 600 sq. ft. shop is filled to the brim with yarns, fibres, tools, notions and Sharon's favorite - textile books

Thursday, October 9, 2008

October Meeting Minutes

Shuswap Spinners and Weavers-
Minutes for the meeting of Monday October 6,2008
16 members present;

The meeting was called to order by President Sue Moret;
1.There were no minutes to read from the last meeting of June 2008.
2. Noelle collected membership fees for the year.
Judith was very pleased with the outcome of the Sheep to Shawl competition and the resulting shawls were all beautiful. There were problems with access by the public for viewing in front of the competiton because of congestion in the pathways. It will be something that we will have to address next year. The prize money has been paid and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Judith is stepping down as convenor and will be documenting everything out in a file as to the procedures for running the competition.
The Christmas Committee was away at a Workshop in Washington (no report). Gudrun was unable to get the display case at the Salmon Arm Library and so she has asked Elvi if there is any available window space in Piccadilly Mall to use to advertize our Xmas Sale. The Christmas Sale is Saturday November 22, with set up on Friday November 21. 2008. Sue has volunteered to help Marcia with advertizing the Sale. Gudie will bring the tree already dressed with lights and Gudrun will assist.
Sharon has three videos ; Silk Fusion, Jason Collingwood Rug weaving and Inkle Looms. She was wondering if the Guild would like to purchase them to use as a format for future Workshops. The costs run between $40.00 and 50.00. Elvi showed us the videos that Guild already has in our Library. Elvi reported that the Dyeing Workshop was a great success and Gudrun reported that the Hand painted Silk Workshop was also well attended and successful.
October; Gudie shared her experience at the Plucky Fluff workshop in Vancouver. There many wild and wonderful skeins of fibre with plyed bits of balls and the colours were incredible. Gudie would be interested in doing a workshop on the techniques in the future.
November; Leno program with Gudrun (workshop may follow)
December; Potluck
January, Februay, March- to be announced.
8. Library;
Darlene is away in Australia. No report.
9. Equipment;
The missing table loom has been returned. but there may be one other loom missing. Discussion followed as to how to better control the large equipment being rented.
Motion made by Mona that "Any large equipment rented must have a $150.00 deposit made before it leaves the Guild Room, on a two month rental only, and the cheque would only be cashed if the item was not returned. Seconded by Sharon. Discussion followed. Judith advised that a Committee be formed to make a more undated procedure for rental equipment. Motion was carried over for next month. Committee is Judith, Mona, Elvi, Sue, Gudrun and Shirley...a date will be set which may be the next Knit-In.
10. Newsletter/Blog ; no report
11. Membership; Noelle passed the membership list around for any changes.
12. Historian; No report
Mona and Elvi painted the mannequins black and found that two of the 8 mannequins are in the possession of the Salmon Arm Quilters Guild. Mona will arrange pick up of them so they can be used at the Christmas Sale. A reminder of the Mug Exchange is set for the December Pot Luck.
A discussion was held about the Raffles and other ways to make money for the Guild. Some suggestions were; raise dues, raise the percentage of the commissions. Ask for donations of product to be sold for the Guild at sales. We will discuss this further at the next meeting when more members are in attendance. Gabby asked that the draw prizes be more visible at the draw box table.
Fall Fairs will be done again but may not be used as a fund raiser but more a means of a education venue for the public and to attract more members to the Guild
Darlene and her husband John and Elvi installed some wooden shelves on the wall. Anne said the Guild Room clean-up day in June went very well and was enjoyable.
Gudie made a Motion to use the felted flowers that are in stock and make them into a product that can be sold at the Xmas Sale. Judith seconded. Sara asked that a few be kept for future displays. Gudie is willing to re-vamp the flowers. Motion carried.
Anne made a motion to pay Sharon for the product used for the Sheep to Shawl competition. Motion carried.
Gudie reported that John Lowe from Woolhouse in Armstrong is taking donations of equipment to be repaired and sent to Ethiopia . Sharon moved that the Guild's spare Spinning Wheel be donated. Wendy seconded. Motion carried.
Wendy bought 5 mannequin heads for the Guild's use.
Noelle motioned that we pay Sharon two months rental for use of the Visa machine. Mona seconded. Motion carried.
1. PRESIDENT; Judith Glibbery
2. VICE PRESIDENT; Sharon Wickstrom
3. TREASURER; Noelle Cox
4. SECRETARY Gabrielle Clark
5. NEWSLETTER; Clare Fensom
6. EQUIPMENT; Elvi Pukas
7. LIBRARY; Darlene Thornbury

The format and future of the Sheep to Shawl will be discussed further at the next meeting in November. Judith mentioned that the costs are quite high what with the cost of entry fees, lunch meals, however the venue is very educational for the public. Judith has also been donating the costs of the wool for the competition out of her own pocket each year. A motion was made that we take a year off and do a Guild only Sheep to shawl display seconded by Elvi . Motion carried forward to next meeting for discussion.
Mona has a friend donate the book "Weaving, Spinning and Dyeing by Rachael Brown.
FALL FAIR APPRECIATION DINNER; Friday October 24, 2008 @ 6:00 p.m. at the Salvation Army Hall. rsvp to Noelle
SHARON donated boxes of knitting patterns for everyone .
THANK YOU was read from the Fall Fair for sponsoring the Spinning and Weaving catagories. Sue mentioned that Phil Wright was very pleased with the participation activities at our display.
October 7th @ 10:00 a.m. at Gabby's
October 22 @ 7:00 p.m. at Noelle's
October 27 at 10:00 a.m. at Mona's

Judith suggested that we make the meetings more casual and more open and encourage new members to join and keep them coming back. We will concentrate on improving the format at the meetings with maybe the Executive meeting being held by e-mail. Gloria also has ideas that she will be sharing when she gets back re; starting a weaving study group which will meeting prior to the monthly meeting with dinner in between.
NEXT MEETING;; Monday November 3, 2008 at 7:30. p.m.
Meeting adjourned; by Sharon.
Noelle showed the tea towels that were woven at the Salmon Arm Fair which were the Raffle Prize. Log Cabin design
Sharon had two yarn shawls woven with a rayon weft with a mixture of fibres in the warp.
Shirley; knitted soxs
Wendy had wool dyed at Elvi's and then spun chunky and plied on a green commercial yarn.. she also had a knitted, felted tea cozy.
Gudrun had small tablecoths done in overshot on a 4 harness loom, at 42 with a 8/2 weft in reds and blue. The pattern was from a Vav magazine which was altered by Gudrun on her computor. Some the cloths went to Europe as gifts to relatives.
Gudie had Coopworth fleece from the Fall Fair that she had spun, some in the grease and some washed. The fleece was a 18month growth, she will be giving the skeins back to the previous owner as a memento. The new owners of the Coopworth sheep are Clare and Rob.
Judith showed her mulicoloured yarn dyed at Elvis and knitted into soxs. She also had 1skein of a mixture of 1 bobbin of tencel and 1 bobbin of silk/merino put together with green. It was a beautiful skein made with leftovers on her bobbins.
Elvi displayed two flannel handmade quilts made with a frayed pattern in green and wine colours.....just something she whipped up in the last weeks.
GUDIE; brought her skeins spun both at the Plucky Fluff workshop and what she has spun since then. The designs were incredible and hard to explain in words . A mixture of colours, thickness and shapes were spun onto a core using different techniques of spinning. Thrums, strips of silk fabric and felted shapes were plied onto the yarn and some skeins were made using a carder to mix the fibres. One skein of multicoloured slubs looked like lifesavers candy attached to yarn. This was a revoluntionary spinning workshop held in Vancouver and the teacher's work can be viewed at . Gudie may be interested into doing a workshop of some of these techniques if anyone is interested